What Is Wyverncrest Westmarches

Overview: Wyverncrest Westmarches is our biggest and most ambitious project that we offer to date! It is a campaign like no other. A campaign where you choose the direction of the game, and leave your mark on the world how you want to. Set in a world that has been played in for nearly 6 years, by dozens of players, explore a new living breathing continent full of content, and interact with other groups of players roaming the world. Be a simple adventurer, a conqueror, a treasure hunter, or anything you can imagine yourself as. Hunt creatures of legend, defeat dangerous enemies, delve the deepest of dungeons, engage in thrilling roleplay between a vast array of NPCs and other players! The reigns are truly in your hands with Wyverncrest Westmarches. Not to mention, with our full staff of professional dungeon masters and the amount of players involved, it will be nearly impossible for the game to end early because of scheduling conflicts!

What is a westmarches campaign?: A westmarches style campaign is a player driven campaign based around exploration. Players are thrown onto a continent with no knowledge of the continent they live on, and to fill out their map they must explore it! Adventuring parties may also vary from game to game, as westmarches campaigns don’t follow the traditional rules of a consistent party! Instead, 6-30 players are all placed in one big faction together. Players organize amongst themselves, determine what quests they would like to go on, gather an adventuring party of 3-6 players from their faction, and then go on said adventure! With this being said, each session starts, and ends at your factions home base, so that it any player can attend, or not attend from session to session! These quests can be established questlines found within the world with written narratives, OR player driven adventures such as “we want to go on a quest to find a dungeon we heard rumor of in town.” The choice is yours, and the possibilities are endless!

Factions: One of the things that makes Wyverncrest Westmarches so unique in comparison to other westmarches campaigns is how in depth our faction system is! While it is completely up to each player how much they would like to interact with the faction system, it is highly encouraged to do so! In Wyverncrest Westmarches, there are THREE player factions you can be placed in. Each player faction of 6-30 players is unique in their own ways, and have all some way or another ended up on this new continent where the game is taking place. Each player faction hails from their own unique region of the continent. These separate regions all present their own challenges, enemies, creatures, etc. Player factions are highly encouraged to organize amongst themselves. Choose a leader, or maybe several leaders that act as some sort of high council. Create the banner that your factions characters will proudly sport as they travel the land. Create laws and traditions that they abide by. Build up their factions home, build fortifications, hire traders, build ships, raise horses, grow crops, convince NPCs to join your side! build strongholds for your faction throughout the continent. Make your faction a force to be reckoned with! When exploring the new continent, (while it may take some time to do so) it is entirely possible for players to find these other player factions! When interacting with other player factions, it is up to you how it goes. You may decide to open communications, or trades with these other factions. You may decide to ignore them entirely. You can even work together, fill out the blanks on each others maps, team up to defeat high level enemies! OR your faction may even decide to oppose the other faction. Wage war, engage in glorious PVP, raid, pillage, take over their strongholds, and make them see why your faction is the best!

Some Other Details: With all of the moving parts that this campaign has, some rules and regulations had to be made to keep everything fair, balanced, and fun. For instance, to prevent players from traveling the whole continent in a few sessions, and make exploration more rewarding, we have come up with a ration system! This ration system determines how far characters can travel, based off of how many rations your faction is producing through crops. New and better Seeds, animals, and other things to make rations out of can be found throughout the world in bandit camps, dungeons, in stock at traders though out the world, and can expand the distance your faction can travel. Modes of transportation such as horses, boats, ships, and even teleportation circles can also be pursued to lessen the amount of rations used, and increase travel distance. Another rule we will be following concerns leveling! Players will level through XP. This means that the more sessions you play, and the more dangerous quests you go on, the quicker you will level up! For the first stage of the game, there will be a level cap of 5. This is to ensure no player is left too far behind, and so that we can balance the game correctly. When the entire world has made enough progress (all three factions), the cap will be lifted to level 10, and players who have not yet reached level 5, will then be moved up to level 5. New players from that point on will also start at level 5. The level caps will continue as such in increments of 5 levels until we reach level 20, or the conclusion of the campaign! This game will be played in 5E, with some light homebrew rules!

Real world details. Sessions will be $20 a game, and tickets will be ran through our website. If you plan on attending more than one session a month, we will also have a monthly option for $30 a month. Sessions will be held at either 95 Game Center, or Alternate Universes. Dice and Minis are not included, but may be purchased at either store, or wherever you prefer! Sessions will be scheduled on a month to month basis with our DMs. Any real world politics, religion, hate, bullying, harassment will NOT be tolerated in or around our games. We reserve the right to ban for these violations at any time, without refund. Just don’t be that guy. We are all here to have fun. Wyverncrest Westmarches will be live on Saturday June 1st. We hope to see you there!